INTER NOS Band, Italy

INTER NOS Band, Italy

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Questa pagina contiene interviste realizzate da me ad alcuni gruppi con cui gli INTER NOS sono in contatto.
Parecchie di queste interviste sono state inserite in fanzines o siti web, ma visto che si tratta di "roba mia" posso farne l'uso che mi pare: pertanto chi, tra i visitatori, pubblica una fanzine/webzine può utilizzarle, purché sia citata la fonte (cioé il sito e purché non vengano apportate modifiche al testo.

Preciso che questa pagina non è una webzine, gli INTER NOS non ne realizzano una, e io non collaboro stabilmente con alcuna fanzine/webzine; dunque, se suonate in un gruppo, non rivolgetevi a me per ottenere un'intervista. Ci sono migliaia di "riviste ufficiali", fanzines e webzines nel mondo: non avete che l'imbarazzo della scelta.
Naturalmente, se volete contattarci per fare scambi di materiale con noi, siete i benvenuti.

Claudio Faggion

In this page you can read interviews made by me to Italian bands, just for my curiosity. If you manage a fanzine, you can use these interviews, but don't change them and don't forget to mention the source (this website).
If you play into a band, remember that this isn't a webzine: so, don't contact me if you need an interview; there are hundreds of fanzines in the world. Obviously, if you want to make a swap with us (one copy of your tape/CD against one copy of an Inter Nos' work), you're welcome.

Claudio Faggion

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Intervista agli ESCAPISM - Italia - 26.12.2004

1) Un ciao agli ESCAPISM. Prima di tutto, grazie per l' intervista. Venite dalla provincia di Udine, nel Nord-Est d' Italia. Prima di parlare di musica, diteci qualcosa del posto in cui vivete.
Ciao. Beh, il Friuli e' una terra con bei tramonti, ma quando comincia a piovere e' davvero malinconico. E piove abbastanza frequentemente. La gente e' spesso come il tempo, piena di pensieri pesanti riguardo al proprio lavoro e alla propria vita. Ma la natura, se la sai cercare, e' davvero grandiosa, un respiro per l' anima.

2) Ditemi qualcosa della storia del gruppo dalla nascita fino ad adesso, e qual e' il significato del vostro nome.
La nostra storia e' la stessa di tanti altri gruppi: un sacco di cambi nella formazione, ma una forte fiducia nella nostra musica. Il nome ESCAPISM significa " fuga dalla realta' " e rispecchia quello che ci piacerebbe fare. Fuggire non e' un buon comportamento, ma tutti al giorno d' oggi sembrano essere altrove con i loro pensieri. Noi non vorremmo scappare, ma i nostri sogni lo fanno: e' semplicemente la vita, non puoi combattere contro la vita! La cosa bella e' quando i sogni contribuiscono a rendere il mondo migliore.

3) La musica suonata dagli Escapism e' varia, ma e' legata al prog rock e all' heavy metal. Quali sono le vostre principali fonti di ispirazione per la musica e i testi?
Di sicuro la rabbia e la violenza che corrono sotto la vita apparentemente pacifica di oggigiorno, l' angoscia della solitudine, le catene che ci legano al passato, il caos della modernita' sempre di corsa, ma anche la speranza di un mondo piu' spirituale e la luce pura dei cieli sereni della nostra terra. Se ci chiedi dei punti di riferimento musicali, beh, ognuno nel gruppo ha differenti influenze: il batterista Marco ascolta i Pantera e i Meshuggah, il chitarrista Lorenzo e' appassionato dei King Crimson, il bassista Nicola dell' heavy metal in genere, il tastierista Stefano ascolta i Dream Theater e Mozart, il cantante Giulio ama il rock italiano.

4) Un' altra domanda riguardo i testi: quali sono gli argomenti trattati?
La vita!!! Piu' i testi sono legati alla vita, piu' possiamo dire di aver creato una bella canzone.

5) In che modo una canzone degli Escapism viene composta?
Beh, le canzoni nella forma fetale sono nella mente di Lorenzo (chitarrista), sia la musica che i testi. Quando vengono alla luce in una forma grezza, gli altri musicisti le puliscono dalla placenta e danno ad esse una forma piu' rifinita, dando l' apporto originale della propria personalita' musicale. Cio' non esclude che ci possano essere degli aborti (comunque non abbiamo bisogno di 9 mesi per fare una canzone!!!!). Possono esserci anche dei figli bastardi la cui madre e' la Musica Pop: in quei casi, li uccidiamo noi stessi immediatamente!! Ah ah !

6) Diteci qualcosa riguardo la promozione dei vostri lavori: a mezzo recensioni, a mezzo radio, siti Internet, scambi con altri gruppi o con distribuzioni, o altro.
Purtroppo ci occupiamo davvero poco della distribuzione. E' una cattiva scelta, certo, ma il tempo che abbiamo non e' tanto e preferiamo, quando possibile, autopromuoverci suonando dal vivo. Un grande aiuto per la promozione ci viene dal mitico Claudio Faggion... hem, si', proprio tu che ci stai intervistando, ok amico, grazie!!!

7) Come sono stati i commenti al vostro lavoro "Industrial Scream"?
Il nostro demo "Industrial Scream" e' stato recensito con grande entusiasmo da alcuni critici, ma alcuni difetti che ci hanno fatto presente altri critici sono reali: la produzione non e' cosi' buona (il CD e' stato fatto in casa) e la voce del cantante non e' talvolta al meglio. Tuttavia, cio' che ci ha dato grandissima soddisfazione e' che il forte sentimento della nostra musica e' stato notato da molte persone, al di la' dei limiti tecnici del demo: quello che volevamo comunicare non e' caduto nel vuoto.

8) Il vostro demo e' autoprodotto. C' e' stata cooperazione con altre " realta' " italiane o straniere simili alla vostra?
No, abbiamo fatto tutto da soli.

9) Qualcosa riguardo le prove ed i concerti.
Le nostre prove sono davvero fatte di duro lavoro: cerchiamo sempre il meglio, ma in cio' che facciamo c' e' sempre la passione. Qualche volta Stefano esce fuori con qualche tango o polka; oppure il cantante Giulio comincia a rotolarsi sul pavimento con ai piedi i doposci - hem - brevi parentesi. Nei nostri concerti diamo tutto quello che possiamo e di piu'! Durante l' ultimo, il chitarrista Lorenzo aveva un dito sanguinante per avere suonato troppo duro, il batterista Marco si e' giocato una mano tra i piatti per la rabbia che c' ha messo nel colpirli!

10) Ci sono opportunita' per concerti nelle vostre zone?
E' davvero poco facile trovare posti dove suonare la nostra musica: i pub vogliono quasi sempre cover-band. Tuttavia, con qualche sforzo e' possibile che la situazione migliori: concorsi e rassegne per gruppi giovani sono in continuo aumento.

11) Parlando in generale, com' e' la scena musicale dalle vostre parti?
Il panorama non e' molto vario: i musicisti sono pochi e quelli che girano sono sempre gli stessi. La cosa migliore per fare qualcosa e' tenersi in contatto con altri gruppi e aiutarsi a vicenda.

12) Guardando al futuro: quali sono i vostri piani?
Chiaramente speriamo il meglio: suonare in giro il piu' possibile e comunicare con la gente attraverso la nostra musica! Vogliamo esplorare anche nuovi territori musicali, ovunque la libera creativita' ci porti !

13) E' tutto. Le ultime parole . . .
Un saluto a tutti: tenete alta la bandiera del METAL!!! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!
Sito web:

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Intervista ai GARGANTHA - Italia - 13.04.2005

1) Saluti al gruppo Gargantha. Prima di tutto, grazie per l' intervista. Voi venite dalla provincia di Treviso, nel cosiddetto ricco nordest d' Italia. Diteci qualcosa sul luogo in cui vivete, e se questo benessere generale esiste realmente.
Cosa posso dire? Se fai un salto dalle nostre parti vedrai solo fabbriche e citta' imborghesite; ora gli "imprenditori" dopo averci riempito di cemento investono altrove e ci stanno lasciando in poverta', assieme ai naziskin e leghisti ignoranti. dal punto di vista della mentalita' non e' un posto stupendo dove vivere.

2) Diteci qualcosa riguardo alla storia del gruppo, dalla nascita fino ad oggi.
Veniamo da un triste paesotto borghese della periferia di Treviso chiamato Spresiano; i Gargantha nascono tra il 1999 ed il 2000, inizialmente in 3 (Matteo, Mauro, Enrico), nel settembre 2001 incidiamo 5 pezzi per il primo cd EP "Boy-cot-friendo"; esattamente un anno dopo incidiamo altri 5 pezzi che usciranno poi su 10", e nello stesso periodo troviamo anche la seconda chitarra di Denis!!

3) La musica suonata dai Gargantha e' classificata hardcore, ma e' una definizione troppo generica. Percio', quali sono le principali fonti di ispirazione riguardo la musica ed i testi?
Impossibile darti una risposta unitaria; ognuno di noi ascolta cose diverse e non per forza hardcore. Fonte d' ispirazione e' tutto cio' che ti investe ogni giorno e che ti coinvolge a tal punto da farti scrivere una canzone al riguardo.

4) Un' altra domanda riguardante i testi: quali sono gli argomenti che voi trattate?
In parte ti ho gia' risposto. Diciamo che tendiamo a mettere sui testi gli argomenti che piu' ci fanno arrabbiare, che non accettiamo e che spesso e volentieri hanno a che fare con la soppressione della liberta' nei suoi molteplici aspetti e soggetti.

5) In che modo viene composta una canzone dei Gargantha?
Dipende. Generalmente Matteo o Mauro portano un po' di riffs e poi assieme cerchiamo di imbastire la canzone, in altri casi e' nato prima il testo e poi la parte musicale.

6) Qualcosa riguardo la promozione dei vostri lavori: a mezzo recensioni sulle fanzines, a mezzo radio, a mezzo siti internet, a mezzo scambi con gruppi musicali o distribuzioni, o altri modi.
Allora. . . cerchiamo di scambiare + dischi possibili con distro o con singole persone/gruppi/fanzines (l' importante e' che il lavoro giri); per quanto riguarda il web dovremmo riuscire a buttare fuori il sito entro breve (siamo lenti x ste cose), poi si vedra'.

7) Le vostre canzoni sono inserite in compilations e voi stessi avete realizzato compilations autoprodotte. Una domanda provocatoria: non pensate che al giorno d' oggi ci siano troppe compilations in giro? La compilation e' ancora un buon mezzo per la promozione di un gruppo, oppure no?
No, i Gargantha non hanno prodotto nessuna compilation, forse intendevi dire che Enrico (Gargantha) assieme a GinoPatrizio e Alberto (rispettivi membri di Mr Hankey e Wild Gosling) e a tutti i gruppi partecipanti, hanno raccolto i soldi necessari per stampare una compilation da distribuire D.I.Y. E' vero, ci sono un sacco di compilation in giro, e molte volte chi le produce ti chiede un sacco di soldi, recluta piu' di 70 bands a compilation, stampa un prodotto pessimo e ti ri-spedisce 5 copie per rifarti le spese... bel bilancio!!! La nostra idea di compilation andava appunto in opposizione a questo metodo.

8) I vostri lavori sono autoprodotti; c' e' collaborazione con altre realta' italiane o straniere simili alla vostra?
Il primo cd EP e' autoprodotto (D.I.Y.), per quanto riguarda il vinile 10 " i Gargantha hanno coprodotto con "Garage Studio" S. Vendemiano (TV), DadaDischi (TO) (; a questo sito potete trovare anche i nostri pezzi in mp3), Kimera Records (TO). Per il prossimo lavoro ci sono un po' di persone che ci hanno dato la loro disponibilita' per una collaborazione, comunque e' tutto ancora molto aperto, vedremo.

9) Qualcosa riguardo le vostre prove ed i vostri concerti.
Proviamo in uno stanzino stretto e alto con una acustica terribile e di solito abbiamo volumi allucinanti, pero' tutto questo ci ha abituato a ottenere un sound per lo meno decente, in quasi tutte le situazioni live in cui siamo incappati. Per quanto riguarda i concerti ci troviamo a nostro agio soprattutto in posti piccoli e senza palco, in modo da poter stare a diretto contatto con la gente. Oltretutto cerchiamo di evitare locali a solo-fine-di-lucro, dove servi unicamente per attirare un po' di gente da spennare; molto meglio suonare in contesti no-profit e in centri sociali.

10) Ci sono opportunita' per suonare nelle vostre zone (birrerie, concorsi, rassegne musicali)? Io vivo a 70 km da Treviso, ho fatto circa 100 concerti in carriera ma non ho mai suonato dal vivo una volta in provincia di Treviso. Forse sono sfortunato nei miei contatti la'.
Qui non c' e' nulla!!! Tanto per chiarirti la situazione. Forse concorsi, ma non siamo minimamente interessati ne' informati su quella roba....... ti dico solo che il sindaco di Treviso ha soppresso la filarmonica e chiuso il teatro perche': "Qui la gente va a lavorare, non ha tempo da perdere" (sic) - !!! Penso si commenti da solo.

11) Voi siete ancora giovani ma siete piuttosto attivi nella scena. Cosa pensate riguardo ai vecchi dinosauri della scena hardcore (e non solo) italiana? Cosa pensate riguardo alle bands attuali, i cui componenti sono giovani come voi?
Non possiamo che portare rispetto e ammirazione per tutti quei gruppi che dal nulla sono riusciti a creare un movimento cosi' vasto, uniti da ideali e voglia di sbattersi, e non da mode passeggere o tendenze varie. Con i gruppi attuali quando troviamo un intento comune, cerchiamo di avere un rapporto che va al di la' del suonare assieme e basta (cosa che ci ha portato a fare il 10 " con i Rip Roaring, per esempio), di creare una vera rete di amicizie indifferentemente dal tipo di musica che ognuno fa.

12) Guardando al futuro: quali sono i vostri progetti?
Entro breve andremo in studio per incidere un full lenght (siamo ancora in fase compositiva) e successivamente inizieremo a sbatterci un po' per organizzare qualche piccolo tour (a proposito, se qualcuno ci volesse dare una mano . . .).

13) Questo e' tutto. Le ultime parole.
Volevo ringraziare te per l' intervista e tutte le persone che la leggeranno, se volete contattarci la nostra mail e', fatevi un giro anche su portale informativo, per nostri mp3 e -- saluti a tutti!!!

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Intervista ai KLOWN - Italia - 26.02.2005

1) Saluti ai KLOWN. Voi venite dalla provincia di Lodi, nord Italia. Prima di parlare di musica, diteci qualcosa riguardo al luogo in cui vivete.
OK! Lodi (L' odi) e' una provincia molto piccola, noi viviamo in campagna nella cosiddetta Bassa vicino al Po, in mezzo ai campi e piccole cittadine. E' un posto decisamente tranquillo, dove non c' e' niente, chi vuole i divertimenti deve andare nelle citta' qui attorno: Milano, Cremona o Piacenza, anche se a dir la verita' noi non stiamo poi malaccio qui! Ci piacciono i posti tranquilli e senza traffico!

2) Diteci qualcosa riguardo la storia del gruppo dalla nascita fino ad ora, e qual' e' la ragione del nome del gruppo.
Abbiamo iniziato nella primavera 1998, e la formazione e' sempre la stessa (siamo un po' orgogliosi di questo!). All' inizio le influenze musicali erano pressappoco le stesse, veniamo dal death metal!!! Poi ovviamente col tempo ognuno ha sviluppato per conto suo i propri gusti, abbiamo sempre pensato sia stato un bene. La cosa curiosa del nome KLOWN e' che a noi fa schifo, ma ormai ci siamo talmente affezionati che ci spiacerebbe molto cambiarlo, pensa che non l' abbiamo nemmeno scelto noi, e' stata un' idea di un ragazzo che anni fa aveva suonato con noi quando avevamo ancora 18 anni!

3) La musica suonata dai Klown e' piuttosto vicina al NU-metal: se ricordo bene, voi avete definito la vostra musica "rock pesantissimo per amare". Quali sono le principali fonti di ispirazione, riguardo alle musiche ed ai testi?
Come ti abbiamo detto poche righe qui sopra, veniamo dalla musica piu' pesante degli anni '90 come Carcass, Fear Factory, Meshuggah, Pantera, ma per fortuna c' e' chi tra noi ascolta anche cose totalmente differenti come i Nomadi, Mina, un po' di Stoner, Industrial e Noise. I testi sono decisamente ispirati allo stile italiano degli anni 60 & 70, parlano soprattutto di amore e sono in italiano. Per noi e' una cosa naturale cantare in italiano. E' piu' sincero! Ci sono un sacco di gruppi italiani che cantano in inglese e che probabilmente non sanno nemmeno cosa dicono!

4) Di cosa parlano i vostri testi?
Parlano di amori e amicizie; spesso sono storie vere, altre volte dalla realta' hanno solo preso spunto.

5) In che modo viene composta una canzone dei Klown? Cioe' se uno di voi presenta il pezzo con musica e testo, oppure se qualcuno di voi si occupa solo dei testi o solo delle musiche. . .
Partiamo sempre dall' improvvisazione e quando troviamo uno spunto interessante cerchiamo di svilupparlo, spesso questi spunti vengono stravolti; in genere la voce arriva alla fine, ma non e' detto, e' capitato che siamo partiti da una linea melodica di voce. . . ma che domanda e'?!?! Non c' e' un metodo!!!!!!! L' ispirazione e' come il Natale, quando arriva arriva!!!! Ahahahah!!

6) Qualcosa riguardo la promozione dei vostri lavori: a mezzo recensioni sulle fanzine, a mezzo radio, a mezzo siti internet, a mezzo scambi con gruppi musicali o distribuzioni, o in altri modi.
Siamo fortemente legati al D.I.Y. !!! Abbiamo sempre curato tutto noi dalla musica alle copertine fino ad arrivare al booking, inutile nascondere che non sarebbe poi male riuscire a collaborare con qualcuno di "tosto" ma e' difficile trovare le persone giuste, spesso e' meglio puntare solo sulle proprie forze!

7) Come sono stati i commenti riguardo ai vostri lavori sulle fanzines, sui giornali, o altrove?
In genere abbiamo rapporti solo con le fanze, i siti e le riviste italiane perche' cantiamo in italiano, appunto. Le recensioni sono sempre andate tutte benone, soprattutto per quanto riguardo l' ultimo EP (quello con la casa in copertina). Ci sono state in passato giusto un paio di "recensioni" (tra virgolette) di gente che il CD non l' ha mai ascoltato (ci scommettiamo le palle!) e ha scritto cose senza senso. Ma per il resto siamo decisamente contenti!

8) I vostri lavori sono autoprodotti; c' e' collaborazione con altre realta' italiane o straniere simili alla vostra?
La collaborazione per noi riguarda soprattutto i concerti, lo scambio di date tra gruppi e' fondamentale in ambito indipendente! Poi, vedendo come stanno andando le cose oggi (vedi coverband ridicole, locali cazzoni, contest di merda, agenzie in mezzo ai coglioni) e' sempre piu' un casino suonare in giro.

9) Qualcosa riguardo le vostre prove ed i vostri concerti?
Siamo freschi di una nuova sala prove che e' un vero spettacolo! Dobbiamo ringraziare di cuore Luca e la sua famiglia che ci ospitano in questa stanzona!!!! Per i concerti riprenderemo tra un po', adesso vogliamo preparare i pezzi per un nuovo CD, siamo a quota sei per ora.

10) Ci sono opportunita' per suonare nelle vostre zone (birrerie, concorsi, rassegne musicali)?
No!!! Il lodigiano musicalmente fa proprio schifo! I pochi locali che c' erano hanno chiuso, se un gruppo vuol suonare in posti decenti deve cambiare zona!

11) Guardando al futuro: quali sono i vostri progetti?
Come KLOWN, scrivere delle canzoni che ci rispecchino ancora piu' di quelle che abbiamo gia', registrarle e andare in giro a suonarle il piu' possibile.

12) Questo e' tutto. Le ultime parole... dite un po' quel che vi pare!
Grazie a Claudio degli Inter Nos che ci ha permesso questa intervista!
Rimanendo in ambito musicale, BOICOTTATE LE COVERBAND!!!!!!

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Intervista ai SAT 11 - Italia - autunno 2004

1) La storia del gruppo dagli inizi fino ad ora.
Il gruppo e' nato 3 anni fa ed era costituito da 4 elementi, Anna Busetto (voce), Giuseppe "Pippo" Merlino (chitarre), Martino "Doc" Montanaro (sintetizzatori) e Giovanni "Nanni" Di Benedetto (batteria). Abbiamo suonato in birrerie e in qualche manifestazione musicale; recentemente abbiamo cambiato il batterista ed ora abbiamo un bassista, Davide "Dave" Badin. Il nuovo batterista e' Giulio "Storm" Gini, un buon acquisto, per via della sua tecnica. L' eta' media dei Sat 11 e' di 24 anni.

2) I componenti del gruppo hanno differenti "retroterra" musicali. Ora, nei SAT 11, tutti questi musicisti suonano un genere che puo' essere classificato electro-rock. E' stata una scelta precisa, un compromesso, o che altro?
Il genere musicale da noi suonato e' l' Electro-rock. Arriviamo da esperienze musicali differenti, ed il genere che suoniamo ora e' una unione dei nostri stili. Il chitarrista ha suonato heavy metal, ed inoltre apprezza il prog rock; Anna era una cantante lirica, Doc (che ha suonato tutti i generi), Dade (che ha suonato punk) e Storm (che ancora suona blues con un altro gruppo) ascoltano musica elettronica e industriale, per esempio Chemical Brothers, Nine Inch Nails, eccetera.

3) Il vostro CD (intitolato "Sat Eleven") e' autoprodotto. Capisco che questa e' praticamente una scelta obbligata, ma pensate che sia questa la giusta attitudine per un gruppo amatoriale? State cercando qualcosa di meglio? Siete interessati a diventare musicisti professionisti?
Pensiamo che l' autoproduzione di un album sia la scelta piu' economica che un gruppo amatoriale possa fare. Oggi il computer e' davvero importante perche' e' un mezzo di inestimabile utilita' nella registrazione delle canzoni; in passato non era cosi' semplice registrare. Naturalmente stiamo cercando qualcosa di meglio, e desidereremmo diventare musicisti professionisti almeno qui in Italia!

4) Voi venite da Pordenone e provincia. Pordenone e' una piccola citta' ma ha una lunga storia nella musica underground nazionale. Cosa ne pensate? Avete qualche contatto con altri gruppi, locali o associazioni che organizzano concerti, e cosi' via? O, al contrario (e questa e' la mia opinione), a Pordenone ci sono "cerchie chiuse"?
Pordenone e' una citta' con una lunga storia nella musica underground, ma e' una citta "chiusa". Puoi suonare nei piccoli locali, ma difficilmente nei grandi eventi. Se non conosci le persone "giuste" che organizzano i concerti, non puoi proporre la tua musica. Fortunatamente, in questo periodo le cose cominciano a cambiare, cosi' speriamo ci siano piu' possibilita' per suonare in manifestazioni importanti. Inoltre, e' difficile avere contatti con altri gruppi. Gli unici con cui abbiamo contatti sono gli Inter Nos, un gruppo underground di Pordenone.

5) Parlando dell' attivita' "live" dei SAT 11, cosa mi potete raccontare in proposito? Conosco un episodio curioso: un vostro concerto e' stato interrotto dopo sole due canzoni. . .
Si'. Stavamo suonando in un paese vicino a Pordenone. Ma l' evento non era organizzato bene, perche' noi suonavamo in una strada, e le persone non erano affatto interessate ad ascoltare musica. Ddopo due canzoni il concerto e' stato interrotto perche' alcune persone erano infastidite dal volume alto.

6) Quali sono, a vostro avviso, i maggiori pregi ed i maggiori difetti del vostro CD?
Il maggior pregio del CD e' la grande varieta' di differenti stili che in esso puoi trovare. Nello stesso CD ci sono "classiche ballate rock" come "Per un' ora sola", ma anche brani "tecno rock" come "Veleno". Il maggiore difetto e' che, qua e la', ci si accorge che si tratta di un' autoproduzione.

7) Una domanda particolare. Una canzone deve rimanere invariata nel tempo dal momento in cui e' stata scritta, oppure puo' essere modificata, crescere e morire, come una creatura vivente. Che tipo di canzoni sono quelle dei SAT 11?
Ognuno scrive la propria parte, la canzone cresce fino a che raggiunge un buon suono d' insieme, cosi' la canzone cambia e non e' piu' la stessa canzone rispetto a quando avevamo iniziato. Dopo aver registrato la canzone, questa rimane invariata.

8) Quale attivita' lavorativa svolgono i componenti dei SAT 11 nella vita?
Siamo architetti, ingegneri e tecnici informatici.

9) Riuscite a immaginare il vostro futuro (come musicisti, come gruppo SAT 11, e in generale come persone) nel 2010?
E' una domanda veramente difficile. Ci immaginiamo a suonare su Marte, eh eh eh ... speriamo, per il 2010, di registrare un CD "professionale".

10) E' tutto. Grazie per quest' intervista. Le ultime parole...
Grazie! Speriamo che tu gradisca la nostra musica, ed invitiamo tutti i lettori a visitare il nostro sito, da cui e' possibile scaricare alcune canzoni. Per commenti e consigli, per favore mandate un' email a
Martino Montanaro, Via San Leonardo n. 20, 33170 - Pordenone (PN) - ITALY.

P.S.: agli inizi del 2005 il batterista Giulio Gini ha lasciato il gruppo per suonare a tempo pieno con un' altra formazione, rimanendo pero' disponibile per i concerti gia' fissati. Pare che i SAT 11 abbiano trovato una batterista in sostituzione di Giulio Gini; per notizie aggiornate, visionare il sito web sopra indicato.

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Intervista ai WORMHOLE - Italia - 28.10.2005

1) Saluti al gruppo WORMHOLE. Prima di tutto, grazie per l' intervista. Voi venite dalla Basilicata. Diteci qualcosa riguardo al luogo in cui vivete.
E' un posto dai grandi spazi, con affascinanti paesaggi molto diversi l' uno dall' altro: brulle colline e altopiani desertici lasciano il passo a oscure e verdi boscaglie che si estendono su alti picchi, oltre l' orizzonte; anche la musica che suoniamo e' intrisa delle sensazioni e della solitudine che permea questa terra.

2) Ora, raccontateci brevemente la storia del gruppo, dalla nascita ad ora. Una curiosita': la vostra cantante arriva da una Nazione dell' Europa nord orientale, come siete entrati in contatto con lei?
I Wormhole sono nati nel 2003. L' idea iniziale era quella di formare una band dove cantasse una ragazza. La difficile ricerca di una cantante si e' conclusa dopo un fortuito incontro con Marfa. Infatti, poiche' abita nello stesso palazzo del nostro batterista, lui l' ha sentita esercitarsi un paio di volte, e da allora abbiamo iniziato a suonare insieme.

3) La musica dei WORMHOLE e' difficilmente classificabile: una sintetica descrizione potrebbe essere "rock con influenze dark". Volete aggiungere qualche precisazione? Quali sono le maggiori fonti d' ispirazione riguardo le musiche?
Il Dark non e' tra i nostri ascolti abituali, anche se e' il genere piu' vicino alla nostra sensibilita' musicale; in realta', varie influenze sono presenti nei nostri pezzi, dovute ai nostri diversi ascolti, dal prog-rock al metal, dalla musica classica al post-rock. In ogni caso, le nostre influenze dark sono evidenti nelle melodie vocali che si intrecciano con intricati arpeggi di chitarra, cosi' come negli inserti di tastiera. Ecco perche' definire la nostra musica risulta difficile anche per noi.

4) Una domanda riguardante i testi: quali sono gli argomenti trattati?
Per quanto riguarda i testi, la maggiore fonte di ispirazione e' l' immergersi nel cuore della Natura, cosi' come nel cuore dell' "Uomo", nel profondo blu, sia del mare che dell' anima, fino al punto di rottura, in cui la domanda e': cosa ci fa l' Uomo nel mondo naturale, ed e' veramente parte integrante della natura? Un' altra fonte d' ispirazione e' l' erotismo, poiche' il linguaggio del corpo e' il piu' evidente tra i tanti linguaggi; l' anima e il corpo sono inseparabili nel contesto vitale.

5) In che modo viene composta una canzone dei WORMHOLE?
I riff portanti di un pezzo sono frutto di improvvisazioni durante le prove o i concerti; quindi, dopo aver ultimato le parti strumentali, aggiungiamo i testi e le melodie vocali. I nostri pezzi non sono mai "finiti", poiche' possono sempre essere modificati, trasmutati: la nostra musica e' una ricerca continua, un' opera in continua evoluzione.

6) Quali sono i mezzi attraverso cui promuovete la vostra musica?
Il nostro principale canale promozionale e' Internet. Abbiamo ricevuto varie recensioni su web-magazines, inoltre usiamo Internet anche come canale di diffusione della nostra musica, sia sulle radio on-line che tramite il nostro sito (""), dove e' possibile scaricare gratuitamente il nostro CD.

7) Se ben ricordo, il vostro CD e' autoprodotto. Raccontateci qualcosa a proposito della registrazione, delle varie fasi di lavorazione, dell' idea per la copertina del CD, e altre cose che meritano di essere raccontate.
Il nostro CD e' stato registrato nel 2004, alla fine di Maggio, nello studio di un nostro amico. Questo ci ha permesso di lavorare in un' atmosfera molto rilassata, anche se, come spesso accade in queste situazioni, il poco tempo a nostra disposizione ci ha messo fretta. Abbiamo cosi' deciso di occuparci personalmente del missaggio; purtroppo, se da un lato cio' ci ha consentito di avere molto tempo a nostra disposizione, d' altra parte ci siamo resi conto che i tempi si estendevano a dismisura; per questo motivo, il CD e' uscito alla fine del 2004. L' idea per la copertina, invece, e' venuta fuori dopo una session fotografica nei boschi che circondano il nostro paese: l' immagine delle foglie incarna appieno il nostro genere musicale.

8) Qualche notizia riguardo le vostre sessioni di prova.
Proviamo in una cella di un vecchio convento del XVII secolo. Vuoi sapere se la cosa ci ha influenzato? La risposta e' si', in gran parte: forse i nostri pezzi hanno cominciato ad assumere un' aria piu' oscura da quando proviamo in questo posto! In genere improvvisiamo, o iniziamo da un' idea originaria, che viene poi puntualmente stravolta. Comunque, a volte ci divertiamo a suonare qualche cover (anche improbabile!) quando non ci va di provare seriamente, per rilassarci.

9) Quali opportunita' offre la vostra Regione, riguardo a concerti? Inoltre: so che avete suonato nella Nazione della vostra cantante. Pochissimi gruppi italiani hanno avuto l' occasione di esibirsi in quell' area geografica. Descrivete le vostre impressioni ai lettori.
Come abbiamo gia' detto, la Basilicata e' una regione piccola, e le opportunita' per suonare dal vivo sono molto poche; comunque, ci sono alcuni festival estivi organizzati da associazioni locali, e abbiamo partecipato ad alcuni di essi. Per quanto riguarda il nostro concerto in Lettonia, e' stata un' occasione insolita quanto rocambolesca: eravamo la' in vacanza, e siamo andati a vedere questo festival nella parte nord-orientale del Paese. Abbiamo semplicemente chiesto agli organizzatori di suonare e, dopo aver sentito "Please welcome Wormhole, from Italy!", siamo saliti sul palco e abbiamo suonato! Incredibilmente cool!

10) Guardando al futuro, quali sono i vostri progetti?
Speriamo di registrare un nuovo CD (abbiamo molti pezzi nuovi), e di organizzare un tour in Italia e in Europa il piu' presto possibile!

11) E' tutto. Lasciate i vostri contatti per i lettori, e scrivete le ultime parole di quest' intervista.
Non apparteniamo ad alcun credo o setta, cultura o razza, ne' ad alcun periodo storico; la vita e' un museo, nulla ci appartiene, e noi apparteniamo ad ogni cosa. Contatti: Paolo Bitonto, Via Lanzillotti 101, 75013 Ferrandina (MT). E-mail:

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Band BHANGRA BEAT - Italy - 12.12.2004

1) Hallo to Bhangra Beat band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from the province of Pavia, north Italy. Before talking about music, tell us something about the place in which you live.
We all live in the country, in small towns near to one another, at about 30 km. from Milan.

2) Tell us something about the history of the band from the birth till now.
The band was founded in January 2002. Renzo (bass player) and I (Daniela, drummer) were looking for a very very special guitar player, and found him (Sacha) by leaving a note in a cd shop.

3) The music played by Bhangra Beat is generically labelled "alternative rock", someone found into your songs psychedelic elements too. What are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
We really listen to all kind of rock music, from The Who to Tool, but I think we are inspired especially by Qotsa, Motorpsycho, Radiohead (talking about the present). Concerning the guitar man, his favourite is, with no doubt, John Frusciante. The main reason of psychedelic influence is given by the quantity and the quality of analogic effects he uses (old and rare boss, vox, electroharmonics, and so on).

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
Well, generally I (Daniela) write the lyrics. I' m a passionate reader of classical poetry and science-fiction books. Can you imagine what mess is in my mind? I' m mainly interested in the sound of words, rather than in their sense. I talk about my own experiences, dreams, visions, and sometimes I' m into reality, dealing with social (more than political) problems.

5) How a Bhangra Beat' s song is composed?
Mainly Sacha comes with an idea, some riff or chords, and we give them a structure. We all decide together arrangements, then come the lyrics.

6) Something about the promotion of your works: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
Our song have been played by local and national networks and tv (Sky Network), but most of all we promote the band on the net, and often give our cds for free during our gigs.

7) Your works are self-produced. Is there a cooperation with other D.I.Y. Italian or foreign entities?
No, we have our own studio and we like to produce our song. Oh yes, at least until we meet Rick Rubin (Rick, are you reading ?).

8) Something about your rehearsals and your concerts.
We always play twice a week: we take it as it was a job and work really hard to get on the stage well prepared. Concerning gigs, well, sometimes we play almost every week, sometimes we stop for a long time. It depends on what we' re doing: at the moment we are writing new songs and making new arrangements for older ones, as we' ve just found another member for the band.

9) Are there opportunities for concerts in your land (pubs, contests, musical meetings)? I know that there is an interesting musical meeting named "Scaldasole Rock" in your Province. Please, show us the situation.
It' s getting harder. Pubs prefer cover bands, local contests are good for younger people. We often play, especially in the summer, at music meetings, but always outside our province.

10) You have been playing for some time. Do you think that there are differences in underground musicians' cleverness, bands' attitude, opportunities for concerts, ways of bands' promotion, between 15 years ago and now?
There' s a gap. Renzo in the early 90' s played in a band called "Bone Machine". They made alternative music, inspired by Pixies, Thin White Rope, Soundgarden etc., and sung in Italian. Well, they played everywhere. Once they opened for Love Battery. The fact is that there was a different approach to what sounded new and unheard. Not least, nowadays nobody buys cds, so indies disappear, promoters run away, managers look for conventional bands. Money rulez! About attitude we may say that today in Italy we have great players but few musicians. The younger mostly follow fashion and play what "goes" now, inspired by punk (but without knowing what Punk was), or inspired by great crossover bands, such as Korn, but without adding anything new. The older turn to play only covers, just to make money with music. There are still ideas somewhere, good ideas, but who can help to bring them out?

11) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
We haven' t exactly made a plan. Now we' re working with a synth player, who will probably add new sounds to our songs. As we have just enough material, we' ll make a new cd.

12) That' s all. Last words...
I' ll tell you what are the last cds I bought : the new ones from Bevis Frond, The Paper Chase, A Perfect Circle. All good stuff.

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Band ESCAPISM - Italy - 26.12.2004

1) Hallo to ESCAPISM band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from the province of Udine, north-east Italy. Before talking about music, tell us something about the place in which you live.
Hallo! Well, our country is a land with beautiful sunsets but when it begins to rain it' s really the bottom of the world. Udine, the main town, is called "Italy' s urinal". The people is often like the autumn sky, full of heavy fucking thoughts about job and life. But the nature, if you look for it, is really great, a breath for soul!

2) Tell us something about the history of the band from the birth till now, and what is the reason of the band' s name.
Escapism' s history is the same bad history of many young bands: a lot of changes in the line-up, but a strong faith in our music. The name Escapism means our desire to escape reality. This is not a good action, but everyone today seems to be elsewhere with his mind. We don' t want to escape, but our dreams do: it' s simply life, you can' t fight against life! The beautiful thing is when dreams make a better world.

3) The music played by Escapism is various, but it is linked to prog rock and to heavy metal, too. What are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
Of course the rage and violence that run under today' s peaceful life, the anguish of loneliness, the chains of the past, the chaos of the running modernity, but also the hope of a more spiritual world, the pure light of sunny skies in our land. If you tell me about musical references, everyone in the group have different influences. The drummer Marco listen to Pantera and Meshuggah, the guitarist Lorenzo is fond of King Crimson, the bassist Nicola is heavy metal oriented, the keyboard Stefano listen to Dream Theater and Mozart, the singer Giulio loves Italian rock.

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
Life!!! More the lyrics are tied to life, more we can say to have created a good song.

5) How an Escapism' s song is composed?
Well, the songs in the form of fetus are in Lorenzo' s (guitarist) mind, both lyrics and music. When they see the light in a rudimental form, the other musicians clean the placenta and give the songs a more refined form, adding them a peace of their musical personality. This doesn' t exclude that there can be abortions... (anyway, we don' t need 9 months to make a song!!!!). There can be also some bastard children whose mother is the bitch Pop Music: well, we immediately kill them!! ha ha...

6) Something about the promotion of your work: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
We care really little about promotion... it' s a bad choice certainly, but the time is not too much and we prefer promote ourselves playing around. A great help for promotion comes from the mythical Claudio Faggion... hem, right you, interviewer, ok guy, thanks!!

7) How were the comments about your work on fanzines, newspapers, and so on?
Our demo "Industrial Scream" was reviewed with excellent words by some critics, but some defects, remarked by others, are real: the production is not so good (the cd is homemade) and the voice of the singer not always the best. But what is real a matter of satisfaction is that its strong feeling has been noticed by many people, our message has not fallen in nothing.

8) Your work is self-produced. Is there a cooperation with other D.I.Y. Italian or foreign entities?
No, we did everything by ourselves.

9) Something about your rehearsals and your concerts.
Our rehearsals are really made of hard work: we always look for the best, but in what we do there is always passion. Sometimes Stefano comes out with some tango or polka and the singer Giulio begins to roll on the floor... hem...brief parentheses. In our concerts we give all that we can and more! During the last one the guitarist Lorenzo had one finger blooding for the too much heavy playing, the drummer Marco fucked one hand between the cymbals because of the rage in beating them.

10) Are there opportunities for concerts in your land (pubs, contests, musical meetings)?
It' s really not easy to find places to play your music: pubs want cover-bands. However with some effort it' s possible: musical meetings for young bands are continuously growing.

11) Generally speaking, how is the musical scene there?
The scene is not too rich: the musicians are little and always the same around. The best way for doing something is to keep in touch with other young bands and to help each other.

12) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
We hope the best, obviously: to play around as much as possible and to communicate with people through our music! We want also to explore new musical territories, wherever the free creativeness will take us...

13) That' s all. Last words...
Bye, keep high the flag of METAL!!!!!!!!!! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!!!!!

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Band GARGANTHA - Italy - 13.04.2005

All answers given by Denis.

1) Hallo to Gargantha band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from the province of Treviso, in the so called rich north east Italy. Tell us something, and tell us if really this general wellbeing exists.
What can I tell you? Well, if you stay here for a week, you' ll see only factories and bourgeois cities; now "traders" after covering us with cement, are going to invest their money outside Italy and they' re leaving behind only poverty, naziskins and idiot "leghisti" (an Italian xenophobe political movement which is based on the north rural population); about mentality it' s not a good place where living!

2) Tell us something about the history of the band from the birth till now.
We come from a sad little town around suburb of Treviso called "Spresiano"; "Gargantha" was born between 1999 and 2000, at the beginning composed by 3 members (Matteo, Mauro and Enrico). In September 2001 we recorded 5 songs for the first cd EP "Boy-cot-friendo"; exactly one year later we recorded other five songs which came out on 10 "; in the same period I joined the band like second guitar.

3) The music played by Gargantha is labelled "hardcore", but it' s a too generic classification. So, what are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
It' s impossible for me give you only one answer; everyone of us listens to different types of music and not only inside hardcore genre. Source of inspiration is everything collide with you, everyday, which is able to involve so much to drive you to write a song.

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
Partially I have already answered to you. Generally we put in the lyrics all the topics which mostly get us angry and that we don' t accept: every suppression of liberty, in its every form and subject.

5) How a Gargantha' s song is composed?
It depends. Usually Matteo and Mauro compose some riffs and together we try to sketch out a song, sometimes lyrics come before music and guide writing of the song.

6) Something about the promotion of your works: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
Well, we try to exchange a lot of vinyl with distros or people / bands/' zine (the important is that our work spreads as much as possible); about virtual reality we are going to start our official (?!) website (be patient with us, we work slowly).

7) Your songs are included in compilations, and you made D.I.Y. compilation too. A provocative question: don' t you think that nowadays there are too many compilations around? Is a compilation still a good way for a band' s promotion?
No, we (like "Gargantha") have never produced any compilation; maybe you are speaking about cooperation of Enrico (our bassplayer), Ginopatrizio and Alberto (members of Mr Hankey and Wild Gosling respectively) with all the bands that are present in this work: they collected together money enough to produce a compilation to distro D.I.Y. It' s true, there are a lot of comp and who produce them ask you a lot of money, put in only one cd 70 bands (!?); obviously the result is a very bad and unlistenable product; these facts doesn' t help music.

8) Your works are self-produced. Is there a cooperation with other D.I.Y. Italian or foreign entities?
First cd ep is completely self produced, regarding 10 " split we co-produced with "Garage Studio" S. Vendemiano (TV), DadaDischi and Kimera Records (TO).

9) Something about your rehearsals and your concerts.
We play in a small room, it' s tall and narrow and the acoustic is terrible! Besides we push our amps to their limit and believe me, an hallucinatory volume. For all this reasons we are ready to face any kind of difficulties in live shows. However we are at our ease when we play in small places and without stand, so we can have a direct contact with the public. Moreover we try to avoid that kind of clubs that have only the aim to make money and where music is used only to attract people! It' s much better to play in no-profit contexts and in squats.

10) Are there opportunities for concerts in your land (pubs, contests, musical meetings)? I live 70 Km far from Treviso, I played live about 100 times in my "career" but I have never played in Treviso' s Province. Maybe I' m unlucky with my contacts there.
Just to explain you... there is nothing here! Maybe there are some "music contests" but we aren' t interested in it. I want to tell you only one thing; the major of Treviso abolished the philharmonic society and he closed also the theatre because: "people here have to work, there is no time to lose!" (SIC) - I think that it doesn' t need any comments!

11) You are still young but you are very active in the scene. What do you think about the old "dinosaurs" of the Italian hardcore' s scene and about the current bands (in which the musicians are young as you)?
We can only respect all the bands that created a movement so wide, they had ideals and most of all wish to improve things! They weren' t incited by fashions or different trends! Actually when we have common purpose with other bands, we try to create a relation that allow us to play together; in this way we made 10 " with Rip Roaring - and most of all to create a real friendship.

12) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
Shortly we' ll record a full length and we are still composing, and then we' ll start to throw ourselves to organize some small tour (please, help us... eheheh).

13) That' s all. Last words...
I would like to thank you for this interview and all people that read it! This is our mail to contact us:, there is also this website that is very interesting: For ours mp3 and Bye bye!

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Band KLOWN - Italy - 10.12.2004

1) Hallo to KLOWN band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from the province of Lodi, north Italy. Before talking about music, tell us something about the place in which you live.
Ok! Lodi is very small province, we live in the country of Lodi among fields, small cities and towns. It' s a very quite place, there' s nothing interesting, but if you want you can spend your time in near provinces around Lodi, like Milan, Piacenza, Cremona and Pavia. But we prefer stay in the country!!! We hate traffic !!! Ahahah! But Lodi zone is one of the worst province of Italy! There' s a lot of fog, winter is very cold and the summer is too hot to live there (a lot of sultriness). Until it' s possible we prefer go away, everywhere but not Lodi! Ahahahahah! Besides in the city of Lodi the no life, if you want to listen some live acts you must go to Milan (but we hate traffic).

2) Tell us something about the history of the band from the birth till now, and what is the reason of the band' s name.
The band starts to play in the spring of 1998, with the same line-up of today (great, we think it' s cool!). At the beginning we had the same musical influences, we came from death metal! Nowadays our music has changed a lot, it was a natural change, so after more than 6 years passed to play together we think that a change is a natural thing! The name "KLOWN" is not our favourite! Ahahahah! We have chosen it when we were only 18! But that name is simple to remember and it doesn' t leave you indifferent.

3) The music played by Klown is quite close to NU-metal. If I remember well, you defined your music "rock pesantissimo per amare" ("very heavy rock in order to love", or something similar). What are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
We came from very heavy music of the early ' 90s like Carcass, Fear Factory, Death, Megadeth, Meshuggah, Pantera, but we like also Italian ' 60s music like Mina or Nomadi (do you know them?), stoner rock and industrial music. Nowadays we results a sort of mixing of these styles, it sound like heavy rock. Lyrics are inspired of Italian ' 60 & ' 70s music, they talk about love and friendships. The prefer Italian language because it' s more natural for us, we like the music when it' s true! In Italy there are a lot of bands that sing in English language, but the most part of them use very simple lyrics because they don' t know very well English, so it' s no good, it isn' t a true way of talking about something, and we don' t like it!

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
Lyrics talk about love and friendships. For the new record we will try to do a concept album. A big love story (cool!) that enjoys during the 9 or 10 songs of the album. We hope we can do it!

5) How a Klown' s song is composed?
Usually a Klown song grows from a jam session there' s nothing write so every one can keep his ideas with the more expressive liberty. Then William try to sing over these ideas jamming with us and in the end lyrics arrive.

6) Something about the promotion of your works: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
We enjoy D.I.Y. style! We have tried to collaborate with some agencies or small labels, but nothing is better of getting the total control over our music! So we think that is better the D.I.Y style! The have done everything by ourselves starting with the production, booking and promotion. In the indie Italian movement it seems function quite well, but in only indie movement.

7) How were the comments about your works on fanzines, newspapers, and so on?
Usually we deal only with Italian ' zines ' cause our lyrics are in Italian language, but like now it' s very cool can write something in the other countries! We have a lot of reviews on Italian webzines and the comments are very good at the moment, we can' t believe that 4 guys (4 nerds?! Ahahaha!) coming from the unknown county of Lodi can be considered so well by Italian indie movement!

8) Your works are self-produced. Is there a cooperation with other D.I.Y. Italian or foreign entities?
We know that some Italian bands cooperate with foreign small labels, but it' s not our case. We' ve done everything with our own arms, beginning from the recordings to the booking of the shows. We' re a self-made band! Ahahah!

9) Something about your rehearsals and your concerts.
Currently we have a new rehearsal, we are very, very, very lucky because a friend entertains KLOWN in his farm, it' s a very quite place, it' s the top for play in tranquillity. With the next summer we' ll restart the concerts, now we' re writing a lot of new songs, we want to record them and them restarting with the new Italian tour.

10) Are there opportunities for concerts in your land (pubs, contests, musical meetings)?
Italy is not the best place where play with your band. For example: Milan. It' s a big city with lot of good opportunities but the clubs are propriety of the same two or three persons who decides which band could play there or not. Every big city have the same situation, and for underground scene it' s not good. If you play in an underground band (they' re a lot in all Italy) you must play in clubs in the country and in small cities. Besides the government doesn' t help music. Since 3 or 4 years there' s a bill that every musicians have to pay if they want to play around. Fortunately there are no controls in small clubs.

11) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
We want to record the best album of the world! Ahahhahah! We hope to finish to write the new Songs soon, maybe in spring and then we' ll record them, but first of all we' d like to find a good producer.

12) That' s all. Last words...
We must to thanks some people for this interview, first of all Claudio from INTERNOS !!! Look at Italian scene in the underground there are a lot of good ideas!!! And fuck the chart music! Ahhahaha!

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Band SAT 11 - Italy - 4.09.2004

1) An history of the band from the start till now...
The band was born 3 years ago and was composed of 4 members, Anna Busetto (voice), Giuseppe "Pippo" Merlino (guitars), Martino "Doc" Montanaro (synthesizers) and Giovanni "Nanni" Di Benedetto (drums). We played in pubs and at some musical events; recently our band changed the drummer and now has a bassist, Davide "Dade" Badin. The new drummer is Giulio "Storm" Gini, a good addition because of his technique. The average age of Sat 11 is 24.

2) The members of the band have different musical backgrounds. Now, into SAT 11 band, all these musicians play a kind of music which could be defined as electro-rock. Is it a clear choice; is it a compromise, or what else?
Our genre is Electro-rock. We come from different musical backgrounds and the kind of music we play is an union of our styles. The guitarist played metal and he also likes progressive rock, Anna was a lyric vocalist, Doc (who played all genres), Dade (who played punk) and Storm (he still plays blues with another band) likes electronic and industrial music for example Chemical Brothers, Nine Inch Nails, etc.

3) Your CD is self-produced. I know that this is almost a fixed course but do you think that this is the right attitude and the right choice for an amateur band? Are you looking for something better? Are you interested in becoming professional musicians?
We think that self-produced album is the most economic choice that an amateur band can do. Today the computer is very important because it is an invaluable tool in song recording; earlier it wasn't so easy to record sound. Of course we're looking for something better, and we would like to become professional musicians at least here in Italy...

4) You come from Pordenone (and its Province), which is a small city but it has a long history into the underground rock music. What's your opinion about it? Have you any contact with other bands, places which organize concerts, and so on? Or, on the contrary (and this is my opinion), in Pordenone there are "closed clans"?
Pordenone is a city with a long history in underground music, but it's a "closed" city. You can play in small pubs, but it's difficult to play in great events. If you don't know the "right" people who organize concerts, you can't play your music. Fortunately, at this moment, the situation begins to change, so we hope that there will more possibilities for playing at great events. Therefore, it's difficult to have contact with other band. The only band which we have contacts with is "Inter Nos", an underground Band from Pordenone.

5) Talking about live-activity of SAT 11, what do you tell us about this matter? Then, I know a curious episode: a concert was interrupted after only two songs.
Yes. We were playing in a city near Pordenone. But it was organized very badly because we played in a street with no people interested in listening to music... After 2 songs the concert was interrupted because some people was disturbed by the high volume...

6) What are, in your opinion, the main qualities and the main defects of your CD?
The main quality of our CD is the great variety of different styles you can find on it. On the same CD there are "classical" Rock ballads like "Per un'ora sola" but also "tecno rock songs" like "Veleno". The main defect of the CD is that you can sometimes hear that the CD is self-produced.

7) A particular question. A song must remain unchangeable from the moment in which it was written, or it could be modified, it could grow up and it could die, as a living creature. What kind of songs are the SAT 11's ones?
Everyone writes his part, the song grows until it reaches a good sound, so it changes and it's not the same song as we started out with. After we record the song, it remains unchanged.

8) What the musicians of SAT 11 do in their life?
We are engineers, architects and computer technicians.

9) Could your imagine your future (as single musicians, as SAT 11 band, and generally as persons), in the year 2010?
It's a very difficult questions....We imagine us playing on Mars.... eheheh ... We hope that in the year 2010 we will record a "professional" CD...

10) That's all. Thank you for this interview. Last words from the band...
Thank you! We hope that YOU enjoy our music and we invite all the readers to visit our web site , where you can download some songs. For comments or suggestions, please email us at
Contact: Martino Montanaro, Via San Leonardo n. 20, 33170 - Pordenone (PN), ITALY.

P.S.: after this interview the band changed the drummer and the bassplayer.

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Band SPACCIATORI... - Italy - 31.01.2005

1) Hallo to SPACCIATORI DI MUSICA STUPEFACENTE band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from the province of Gorizia, "far East Italy". Tell us something about the place in which you live.
Well, we actually live in the bottom of Italy, I mean from a cultural point of view. True is that our area could be seen also as a pattern representing the whole Italian scene. In general Italians do not buy music (too expensive), do not follow scenes or concerts, the are not urged in to using their brains... everything tends more and more towards a levelling of the so called pop culture. Concerning our little world (punk/hardcore scene), we do not have decent labels, nor radio broadcasting or promotion, it' s hard to find places to play in and, first of all, there are quite few people interested in what we do. This is not because of the quality of music; the majority of kids really don' t care about "punk"... most of them are completely unaware of our world and with our poor means it' s very hard to rise our voice. So we (and many other bands) live in a rough underground reality. If you are an Italian punk band... Yes! You could have the possibility to manage with music but only playing in big clubs; you could have a label or an agency but only playing pop catchy ska easy punk. That' s the reality! It seems that nobody wants to listen to strongest (or deepest) stuff. It' s a negative situation indeed, but our passion is strongest and we still hold on. Then, don' t forget that we live in a provincial zone, we are always out of the big scene.

2) Tell us something about the story of the band from the birth till now.
SPACCIATORI DI MUSICA STUPEFACENTE was born in 1995, a decade ago! Sandro formed the band giving also the name. The line up has changed during all this years, anyway it has been stable since Eros (guitar and vocals) joined us in the year 2000. Our story is very common... rehearsals, concerts, recording sessions, demo tapes, CDs, contacts, tours, fanzines... we are having good time together and we believe we have still something to say; so it' s time to take what we deserve. Before the year 2000 we recorded 2 demo tapes; then came 2 self-produced CDs ("Questo male" and "La solita rabbia"), a 7 " ep ("Ancora una volta") and the latest album "Dove ti sei perso" published in 2003 thanks to a co-production between 16 d.i.y. Italian labels. During all this years we have played all around Italy but also in Slovenia, Croatia and Czech Republic.

3) The music played by SPACCIATORI could be defined "melodic Hardcore". What are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
Well, it' s always hard to tell that; we all have our favourite bands that in some way or another enter into our music. Sometimes you can recognize them, sometimes you can' t. What we can say is that we listen to different kind of music and the result could be seen as a combination of all the influences. Well, someone call it Hardcore/punk and for us it' s ok... we all have been touched by this music, but we have never planned to play this way. This has been a natural process and we really do not care about anything else but being as much spontaneous as we can.

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
I' d rather avoid explaining the meaning of them. Most of the lyrics are so personal that I like to see them as rough pictures of some inner disposition. I think it would be more interesting that any reader tries to get out his own interpretation from them. I consider this more stimulating and interesting than simply taking in a fixed meaning. For this reason we included our complete lyrics into our works and we translated them into English, since we always use Italian language for our songs.

5) How a SPACCIATORI' s song is composed?
We generally try to put together all the ideas we have. Once a basic frame is composed we put the lyric on and from this point the song changes continually till it satisfies our "tastes". Well, a very simple way indeed... nothing extraordinary, probably most of the bands use this natural system.

6) Something about the promotion of your works: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
Of course we do all the thing you mentioned and this is the least an underground band would do; the problem is that almost nobody helps us in our promotion work. We do everything with our efforts; call it d.i.y. attitude or however you like... this is our way and we are proud of. Then as we said, it' s very hard to find someone willing to help us (labels, agencies, promoters, etc) especially if you play harcore/punk. What should we do then? Should we play as nofx-offspring-lag wagon clones do? And this, just to be engaged? Well, this is not the reason why we started being a band. We all have our jobs and lives; unfortunately music won' t never be a way to live on... then we do what we like in the way we like and who cares! Anyway thanks to some great friends and to our hard work we have been gaining some popularity in the underground Italian punk scene. Sometimes some little things happen and this pays us back for all the efforts made... I mean for example when someone from the other side of the country contacts us to congratulate or to start a collaboration, when ' zines are interested in what we say or simply when the audience at concerts screams our songs with us... nothing to do with money as you see but something which comes from the heart, these are our emotions... the real purpose we play for.

7) Your songs are included in compilations. A provocative question: don' t you think that nowadays there are too many compilations around? Is a compilation still a good way for a band' s promotion?
Compilations still are a good way to promote a band! A single song into a bunch of noisy tracks can often hit someone and, in any case, the name of a band can easily circulate. True is that there are too many available all around, most of them have a bad quality (in music and packaging)... well, it' s a jungle in which you can hardly move. Anyway, the most important thing for us is the real purpose which hides behind them. If you just want to promote a scene, some bands or whatever else and you do it honestly... it' s ok. But if you want to draw money from underground bands (for example including "big names" whose taking part is unwittingly paid by unaware and hopeful young bands) we are not interested in. As you see, first of all it' s mainly a question of why someone decides to issue a compilation... then we can discuss about it. Too many times we have seen young bands being deceived by self-professed punk promoters or labels; we think it' s time to unmask them and warning youngest bands against this tricks.

8) Your works are self-produced, and you have a distro named "Spacciatori Distro". Is there a cooperation with other D.I.Y. Italian or foreign entities? I know that there is a project of union with "BAR-H" distro, managed by your friends IlTeatroDelleOmbre (another hardcore band coming from that geographic area).
The cooperation with some d.i.y. entities started when we published our 7 " "Ancora una volta". This worked good and we tried it again with our last album. It' s a very simple and widespread method: we record, stamp and produce our CD then we sell it to the labels who want to help us (es. 50 copies here, 70 there, and so on). The price we sell considers only the costs we had to produce physically any single CD. Then each label tries to sell it by oneself making promotion as much as they can (since they have to sell the copies in order to cover at least the expenses they had to buy our CDs). When you have a considerable quantity of labels who promote your work make sure that the name of the band starts to circulate and your CD will be sold in a short time. This won' t happen with the majority of the "regular underground Italian punkrock labels" too lazy and poor to support a band suitably. We do it better by ourselves!
Years ago we also decided to be an active part of this "unregular" process and so we created our SPACCIATORI DISTRO, which is a little distribution who tries to promote our music and all the bands we get in touch with. So we can help the other bands in the same way other labels help us. It' s a kind of chain and it' s unbelievable to see how many people you can reach in this way, avoiding the official and parasitical means to spread music.
Our following step will be to enlarge our distribution by creating a more powerful d.i.y. label. This thanks to the guys from another good hc band called ILTEATRODELLEOMBRE who already had their own d.i.y. label. We are combining our efforts into a single name in order to make better and better something positive for ourselves and for our scene. The project and the aims are always the same but now we are more powerful than before. This new d.i.y. label is called KAJ RECORDS and you are all invited to contact us writing to

9) Something about your rehearsals and your concerts.
We have always had big problems in finding a decent rehearsal room. It' s again a question of basic culture; no one is interested in promoting "local" music and paradoxically sometimes it seems they would hinder what we want to build. If you have a private rehearsal room it' s ok (of course if your granny agrees...) but when you ask something to our brisk institutions, you won' t have any response. They say we don' t deserve nothing since we play rock and "of course" we are supposed to be involved into drugs, alcohol and nasty' s funny...then you see them and their kids getting in to pubs, clubs, casinos, brothels, drug parties. In their mentality that' s fair; it' s fair working and spending all the money to your contractor' s clubs, it' s good to have fun without using a single neuron, it' s good to be a frivolous part of this consumistic society. These are all things kindly considered "normal", natural amusements and easy to keep separate from a decent public image (here granny agrees, of course). Well, it' s a long question, anyway in the recent period we are luckily playing in to a public rehearsal room in our town, we all have struggled a lot for that; we don' t know how long this will last, but it' s ok for the moment.
Well, about live shows... after years and years playing all around we know a lot of people and often we can organize concerts in the way we like. But there could be many problems: sometimes we can' t cover our expenses, sometimes there' s not a decent situation to play (no microphones, no amplification, not a decent stage), sometimes there are no good hygienic conditions in the places where we sleep and play, or, considering that we all have to work, we have always problems in taking working holidays or permissions. Yeah, it' s hard and consider that being on tour would tire everyone, especially when you are working on Monday morning.
Anyway, being on tour is still one of the most enjoyable situations we have ever experienced. We have always dreamt that and it' s always incredibly exciting to get in the van with friends for another tour... so who cares about the rest.

10) Are there opportunities for concerts in your land (pubs, contests, musical meetings)?
As you can imagine there are few occasions to play in our region. We still have a squat in Udine (our last bulwark against cultural levelling), the others have been evacuated. We have some pubs or clubs where it' s possible to organize something, but the situation is not so positive. What we see is that there' s not a real audience for punk music here. Why organizing concerts when nobody is interested in?...yeah, why? Clearly, we are too romantic for this society and we insist on, what could we do then?
Fortunately outside our region, in north and centre Italy, there are quite more possibilities to play... of course there' s not a punk paradise over there but it seems that something more is moving. This is also one of the reasons we' d rather play away from here.
Finally consider that some of the main musical meeting are organized mainly to squeeze money from our local institutions and generally organizers do not care about who' s playing and why. Well, we don' t want to have anything to do with them, we don' t want anyone gain money with our music since we do not gain anything and first of all, our way to live music is completely different than theirs. Well, just keep away from them!
Another thing we just don' t suffer are the musical contests... well, who cares about being the best guitar, bass player or else in the region, city, town? It' s something completely meaningless... this won' t help our scene, this won' t help any single band to emerge. We don' t have to rival, we have to collaborate, to put our efforts together! We just do not understand this kind of happenings and so we simply avoid them.

11) You have a quite long experience and a good knowledge of the underground scene. What do you think about the old "dinosaurs" of the Italian hardcore' s scene and about the current young bands?
Many young bands are worth listening for their music and their attitude (es. ARSENICO, AFFRANTI, ALTRO, ILTEATRODELLEOMBRE, GARGANTHA, and many others). Of course our way to see the other is strictly subjective but it' s great to see how similar in attitude we are with other bands coming from all around. It' s not a question of musical genre; we often share the same ideals regarding music, society, politics, friendship, honesty, simplicity. This is fundamental and this aspects are more important than music for us. There are many other bands we know who are quite different from us... of course we consider them great friends and we help them when possible but there will never be such a relationship.
It would be easier to say that everything depends on what you listen... so if you like bad brains, dead kennedys and kina you are in, otherwise if you like offspring, blink 242 and green day you are out. I think the point is more complex; it' s mainly a question of the real values we believe in, values which are not necessarily bounded only to music.
Regarding the old "dinosaurs" of the glorious Italian HC... well, it' s more or less the same discourse. Naturally we have many things to learn from all of them since they have an immense experience, but this is not enough to make them blindly respectable to our eyes. There are great bands still playing (es. FRONTIERA) who are first of all great persons. Others were, and still are, very different from us and now we see them behaving the opposite way they used to scream during their golden years. As you see it' s again is a question of values.
Anyway there are some great veterans who can still teach us many things and still today have many things to say with music. It' s a great pity that most of them had not received as much as they deserve. I' m talking for example about bands as KINA, CRIME GANG BANG or SHOCK TREATMENT.

12) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
At the moment our 10 dates tour has just been cancelled due to the same old working problems. We will play those dates next spring. In the meantime we are creating our new label (called KAJ RECORDS) together with ILTEATRODELLEOMBRE; we will start co-producing some good bands and the first will be AFFRANTI from Savona with their new album. As soon as possible we are going to record 4 or 5 new tracks for a split CD with ILTEATRODELLEOMBRE we are programming from months. I hope this will be published for april 2005, while for a new spacciatori full lenght album we have all to wait the end of the new year. Naturally we are organizing many shows and the new year will be very exciting. We are also trying to find a new balance inside the band in order to let our music freely evolve. We will see.

13) That' s all. Last words...
Well, we would be happy to get in touch and in case to collaborate with other bands, ' zines, websites and punx worldwide. So, contact us whenever you like, we will be pleased to send you our material. Then thanx to all the friends who have been supporting us during all these years. Finally thanks to our dear friend Claudio (and naturally, INTER NOS) for his kind and precious help. The last words only to thank you all? Oh, we have written maybe too much; anyway, for further informations, curiosities or else just contact us. Bye.

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Interview to WORMHOLE band - Italy - 3.10.2005

1) Hallo to WORMHOLE band. First of all, thank you for the interview. You come from Basilicata, a small Region in south Italy. Tell us something about the place in which you live.
It is a place with wide and open spaces, with charming landscapes, very different from each other: bare hills and desert plans melt into dark green woods which extend over high mountains, beyond the horizon... even the music we play is drenched with the sensations and with the solitude we feel in this land.

2) Tell us something about the story of the band from the birth till now. A curiosity: your singer (a girl) comes from North East Europe, how did you find her?
Wormhole was born in 2003. The original idea was to form a band with a female vocalist. The difficult search for a female singer came to an end after a chance encounter with Marfa. As a matter of fact, she lives in the same flat where our drummer lives, so he heard her practicing a couple of times; since then, we started playing together.

3) The music played by WORMHOLE is hardly definable: a short description could be "rock with dark influences". Do you want to add specifications? What are the main sources of inspiration, about music and lyrics?
Dark is not among the kinds of music we usually listen to, even if it is the closer style to our musical conception; indeed, different musical influences melt into our songs, because of the various and different things we listen to, from prog-rock to metal, from classical music to post-rock. Anyway, our dark influences are more evident in the vocal melodies interwoven in intricate guitar arpeggios, as well as in the keyboard inserts. That' s why we ourselves find it difficult to give a definition of our kind of music.

4) Another question about the lyrics: what are the topics of them?
For what is about the lyrics, the main source of inspiration is an immersion into the heart of Nature as well as into the heart of the Man... into the deep blue, both of the sea and of the soul, until the crashing point, where the question is: what is the Man doing within the natural world, and is he a real part of nature? Another source of inspiration is eroticism, because the language of the body is the one that speaks louder than the others... the soul and the body are inseparable within the vital context.

5) How a WORMHOLE' s song is composed?
The main riffs of a song come from our improvisation during our rehearsals or our gigs, then, after we have completed the instrumental parts, we add the lyrics and the vocal melodies. Our songs are never "completed", because they can always be modified, transmuted, our music is a continuous research, a work which is always in progress...

6) Tell us something about the promotion of your works: by reviews into fanzines, by radios, by websites, by swaps with bands or distros, or by other ways.
Our main channel of promotion is Internet. We got various reviews on web-magazines, and we use Internet also to spread our music, both on the on-line radios and through our website ( where anyone can freely download our CD.

7) Your work is self-produced, if I remember well. Tell us something about the recordings, the production of CDs, the ideas for the CD' s cover, and other things which deserve to be described.
Our CD was recorded at the end of May 2004, in the studio of a good friend of ours. For this reason, we worked in a really relaxed mood even if, as it often happens in these situations, we were hurried up by the little time we had. So, we decided to do the mixing at home on our own; unfortunately, if it is true that "on one side" we had the possibility to work on the mixing with plenty of time at our disposal, on the other side we realized that the mixing time extended on and on... for this reason, the CD was issued at the end of 2004. The cover concept, instead, has been the result of a photo session in the woods surrounding our hometown: the idea of the leaves fits well our musical genre.

8) Tell us something about your rehearsals.
We rehearse in a cell inside an old XVII century convent. Do you want to know if this thing has influenced us? The answer is yes, to a great extent: maybe we started filling our compositions with a darker mood since we have been rehearsing in this place! We usually improvise, or we start from an initial idea, just to turn it upside down. Anyway, sometimes we enjoy ourselves playing some cover songs (even unlikely ones!) when we don' t want to play seriously, just to chill out...

9) Talking about concerts: are there opportunities for concerts in your Region (pubs, contests, musical meetings)? Besides: I know that you played in the Nation of your singer (I don' t remember what Baltic Nation is). Very few Italian bands play in that geographic area. Please, describe that experience to the readers and, if it' s possible, give us contacts for a concert in those lands.
As we said before, it is a small region, and the opportunities to play live are very few; anyway, there are some summer contests arranged by some local associations, and we took part in some of them. Talking about our concert in Latvia, it was an unusual and amazing event: we were there on holiday, and we went to see this festival in the North-Eastern part of the country. We just asked the promoters to play and, after having heard ' em shouting: "Please welcome Wormhole, from Italy!", we jumped on stage and played! Amazing... but incredibly cool!

10) Looking at the future: what are your plans?
We hope to record a new CD (we' ve got a bunch of new songs), and to arrange an Italian/European tour as soon as possible!

11) That' s all. Give your contacts to the readers, and write the last words of this interview.
We don' t belong to any creed or sect, culture or race, nor to any period in history... life is a museum, nothing belongs to us, and we belong to anything. Write to: Paolo Bitonto, Via Lanzillotti 101, 75013 Ferrandina (MT), Italy; .

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